Fargo life

One thing:  “You have a great personality” is not a valid pickup line if you don’t actually know me.     For real,  the men of Fargo need to get some better lines.   During these two minute interactions, you see a combination of what you want to see and what I want you to see.

Certain brands of confidence freak me out.   It’s the predatory arrogance I can’t handle.  It’s all because of a little book called Rose Madder by Stephen King. After reading this book I became very frightened of men who are too sure of themselves.  (did you know you can download this book as a pdf?? I didn’t either:  http://gpnp.net/backshelves.gpnp.net/the%20shelves/authors/Stephen%20King/Rose%20Madder%20-%20Stephen%20King.pdf)

And okay, I’ll be honest.  I REALLY like being fed lines. I love being told that my smile is “radiant”  and “lights up a room”.  but come on.  I know you’ve given this crap to a million other girls and I’m not going to fall for you that easily…  I will however sit there with a big grin on my face consuming your flattery like a huge slice of apple pie. 

Tonight I am dancing to a Bollywood song in front of a huge crowd of people. annnnnd I’m still nervous as anything so pardon me while I go practice.