Good skincare techniques

An old woman once told me the secret to looking young at 95

Love Everybody


It’s so simple, really.  Sometimes I wonder why we even need all these religions.  I will start my own:  Throw love around like a contagion.

 As Slug said,   “I’ll make you smile from the simple fact I’m good at it, I’ll make you smile just so I can sit and look at it”

oh and my Muslim friend is trying to get me to convert to Islam… it is very unlikely that I will.  but I told him to get me a copy of the Qur’an in English, and I will certainly discuss it with him.  These are my conceptions of it (of course I have never read it, so who knows how accurate they are):

1.  It says women are inferior to men
2.  talks a lot about killing “infidels”
3.  They can’t eat pork
4.  Jesus was a prophet, not God

I will let you know what I learn.  Should be interesting.

Bridge to anywhere/nowhere

at this point
you probably
know this one
is about you

because really
what else would
i have on my

surely not changing
topics or fresh
headlines that
soon rot, like

strobe light eyes
brilliant in their
subtlety pull
me closer to
the spaces i cant
wait to occupy

and you’re so
clever you could
trick me into
revealing the things
i’d rather keep kept
away, for now

intrepid minds
can build a bridge
to anywhere


uh.  yeah 🙂

It’s crazy how you can find a kindred spirit in someone from such a COMPLETELY different culture. 

I don’t really know what I’m saying.  Just…. the world, you know?  These people look so different on the surface, and when you remove the veil, our souls are the same exact color.

Sometimes you just..
sometimes you just find someone.   English needs a word for that.