Poem for WR

I showed up
like the ghost of your

4 am and wide-eyed
cold as expected

February for ya

“Try the house next door”
doorbell, dogbark, nothing.

for I was a stranger and you invited me in.

“now just.. h-h-h- hold your horses”

Those horses were frothing
brain overflowing with universe

you baked me bread

slept for eons on your couch

Be Not Afraid
Messages from your
Dead Mother

“Do You Think That’s The Answer?”
exclamation point to the exit sign

Think you gave me back my heart’s core.
the keys to my airplane

the center
of the

and the unerasable
knowledge of
how to

get there.

I miss you, Wayzata Richard. Thanks for the bread. Who lets a manic girl into their house at 4 am? Jesus, probably. Miraculous.


The unexpected moment
The air shifts like the tides
catching at my throat
pulling me toward

pulling me through

lifts my chin so I stare her in the eyes
“this is what you really want”

I wasn’t looking for anything
you gave me safety of soul

held you through a thousand lifetimes but
not like that


want to taste your skin
but I won’t dance past the line you’ve drawn.

I worship that line because it’s yours.

whatever you want is what I want to give you
anything, anything

brightens and confuses, your human canvas
struck and wondered

I love you for everything
through everything

you are the definition
love trust
happy safe

You are exactly

So bright I can’t look away.


if video disappears it’s Stay by Janelle Kroll

I don’t even care that it’s not like that, will never be like that… god I love you so much I’m just so lucky you’re in my life. Still write poems for people that will never see them. Maybe someday, who knows. Never is such an extreme color.